Club Officers
The club doesn't run without these kind volunteers - no-one is paid!

Promotes the aims, and oversees the activities of the club to ensure that they are conducted in accordance with the rules and constitution.
Chairs the committee meetings and AGM, assists the secretary to produce the agendas, heads the committee in making decisions for the benefit of the whol . . .

Andrew Gostelow
Andrew Gostelow
Welfare Officer
Designated officer(s) for welfare and safeguarding, ensuring that the club upholds its duty of care to its members and making sure that all club members receive fair and equal treatment at all times.
The first point of contact for any welfare or safeguarding questions or concerns. Advises and . . .

Sofia Howard
Sofia Howard
Welfare Officer
Designated officer(s) for welfare and safeguarding, ensuring that the club upholds its duty of care to its members and making sure that all club members receive fair and equal treatment at all times.
The first point of contact for any welfare or safeguarding questions or concerns. Advises and . . .

Andrew Gostelow
Andrew Gostelow
Membership Secretary
The main point of contact for any queries relating to new and current club membership.
Maintains an up to date and accurate record of each club members’ details, and administers each club member’s registration with the national body. Works with the treasurer to ensure all membership fees are . . .

Sue Ducey
Sue Ducey
To oversee the clubs finances, ensuring a budget is set, accounts are properly kept and audited and that the committee receives regular up to date and accurate financial information.
Ensures that the club has enough money to operate, and is financially viable. . . .

Liz Pearson
Liz Pearson
Named contact for the club for England Athletics, leagues and club bank accounts. Administers, forwards and files all club correspondence. Brings matters outstanding to the attention of chair/team managers. Provide administrative support to the club chair. . . .

Colin Barnes
Colin Barnes
Fixtures and Events Secretary
The fixtures secretary is the lead for organising Charnwood Open Meetings, as well as league, inter club and friendly competitions for all the teams in the club.
The role covers winter and summer competitions, so includes Cross Country, Indoor and Sportshall as well as Track and Field. The f . . .

Julian Day
Julian Day
Communications Officer
Communications between the club and members, and outside the club, engaging with key stakeholders at the University.
Working with other committee members, responsible for creating content and reports for the website, newsletter, emails, social media channels and news articles in the local pre . . .

Liz Pearson
Liz Pearson
Officials Coordinator
Coordinate the club officials and co-operate with other competition organisers, coaches, team managers etc. in the provision of fair and equitable conditions for the conduct of athletic events under the relevant rules of the competition, thereby offering all participants every opportunity to a . . .

Coaching Coordinator
The coaching coordinator keeps an up to date knowledge of coaching rules, regulations and requirements and maintains an up to date list of all club coaches. Acts as the main point of contact for all queries relating to coaching and encourages club members to undertake coaching courses and prov . . .