How can you help?

Why volunteer?
Our club is run through the commitment and generosity of our army of volunteers, giving as much time as they can spare.
We are always in need of more people to come forward and pick up the jobs that need doing, both small and large, whether that is helping in the clubhouse with teas and coffees, becoming a qualified coach, acting as a team manager, as a member of the committee, writing race/meeting reports for the Website or the Echo, taking money for training on the gate and many more things that need doing to ensure all our members can train and compete with pride as Charnwood Athletic Club.
Without this commitment, things do not get done. Teams have failed to be entered because there was no-one to do it, the clubhouse teas and coffees have been shut at training sessions because no one was available to open up, there has been no tent at Cross-Country events because no-one said they would take it and there are other opportunities that go by where our members could benefit, but do not because there is no one to organise the things that need doing.
Our volunteers are just like you, busy athletes / parents / grandparents with lots going on; we believe everyone can contribute a little and we have a job to fit any available amount of time; your offers of help will not be turned down! We also believe that the club community of members, parents, volunteers and assorted others have a unique mix of talents and skills, representing many professions and all aspects of the workplace. If you think you have something to offer that we haven’t mentioned, please also get in touch.
If you are interested in helping out, or can pick up any of the opportunities on the list here that need someone to own them, then please get in touch by asking at the clubhouse, speaking to one of our volunteers or committee members, or by contacting the club through the Contact Us page. There are many other things that need doing as well, so if these do not appeal then please get in contact and we can discuss what could be for you.

Volunteer Opportunities
Please get in touch if you can help with any of these.
This important role is currently vacant though the other committee members are taking it in turns to be acting chair to ensure the club keeps running smoothly. While we will keep the club running by focusing on the essentials (membership, finance, competition events and teams), the club needs a Chairperson to take us forwards.
Awards & Presentation events organising group
Charnwood AC believes in recognising our athletes and the many and varied achievements through the year, especially for the junior age groups. Please let us know if you would be interested in helping by organising presentation events a couple of times in the year.
Volunteer Coordinator
Acting as the focal point for all volunteers and opportunities, engaging with all club members and parents to fit the right opportunity with the appropriate willing volunteer 😊
Race/Event News reports
To produce a one page write up for an event highlighting the Charnwood AC athletes who competed, results / medals / team positions and any supporting photos that may help tell the story. All photos will be checked against membership wishes prior to being made public.
Minutes Secretary
To act as the secretariat for the club, taking and publishing minutes of committee meetings and ensuring club documents and filing are kept up to date.
Track and Field Officials
We are always looking for more people who are willing to help officiate at our open events and join the officials team that helps out at YDL, Senior and Masters club events as well as other events when requested by other clubs. Some roles require a level of training and experience, but everyone started at the beginning, so please ask in the clubhouse if you would like to get involved.