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Club Handbook

​If you have joined the club, or are thinking about joining, then you may have questions about how things work. The content on this page is intended to provide you with all you need to know as a member of Charnwood AC. If you have a question which is not answered then please contact us and we will respond as soon as we can.


When and where do we train?

Charnwood AC hire the Loughborough University Athletics track on a Monday and a Wednesday between 6:30pm and 8:30pm. In addition, during the winter months (November to March) the club hires indoor training facilities at the High Performance Athletics Centre (HIPAC) next to the University track. Please check here for the times for training in the HIPAC.


The times for individual coaches, and facilities used, do vary between training groups. The training groups available can be found here, please get in contact if you have any specific queries on training or events not shown.


Thinking of joining?

We welcome all athletes to our club and you can come down and see what we do at any of our regular training sessions. If you would like to take part in a particular event or training group then please contact us and we can put you in touch with the relevant coach. The first session you train with us is free to see if you like it.


How much does it cost?

Membership of Charnwood AC currently costs £55.00 per annum and runs from March 1st to the end of February in the following year. Membership fees become due on 1st March and you will not be able to compete for Charnwood AC or enter a number of competitions unless this membership is renewed.


The membership includes a fee paid to England Athletics which is mandatory to register as an athlete. There are some rules around joining more than one affiliated club, or changing clubs. Should you need to, please contact the membership secretary through our contact page to discuss these scenarios.


If you are a paid up member for the current year then training fees are currently £4.00 per person per session if paid online, it is £4.50 if you need to pay at the gate. Only paid up current members are able to train at the moment. From time to time the club will issue wristbands on entry and conduct spot checks to verify everyone has paid.


All our coaches, team managers and other volunteers are unpaid. The membership and training fees go towards the effective running and upkeep of the club from hiring the facilities, entering club teams into competitions and buying equipment through to training courses for team managers, coaches and officials, and lots of other things besides.


​Young athletes

Do you want to know more about our training, waiting lists, appropriate kit and the competitions we take part in? Please visit our Young Athletes page here.


Competing for Charnwood AC

In joining the club we hope that you will want to take part in club teams that compete in a variety of local, regional and national events. Our own excellent series of Open events in the summer  and other meetings and competitions give athletes the chance to put into practice the coaching and training they have put valuable time and effort into.


During the winter we have cross-country and road relay teams for all age groups as well as athletes who attend a number of indoor events. During the summer we have track and field teams entered in Quadkids (U11), UK YDL Track & Field (U13 - U20) and Midlands leagues (Seniors and Masters) all competing regularly through the summer months. In addition there are county, schools, regional and national competitions that our athletes take part in. Our team managers will be in touch to ask if you are interested in competing in any/all of these.


Club Kit

When competing for Charnwood AC you need to wear the club vest which can be purchased from the clubhouse next to the track. In addition to the vest you can buy a Charnwood Training Jacket and/or Hoodie, again available from the club house. For all prices and sizes then please talk to someone behind the counter in the clubhouse.


Welfare and Safeguarding

Charnwood AC takes its commitment to the welfare of all members very seriously. We have two welfare officers (one male, one female) and all team managers and coaches are DBS checked and will complete a safeguarding course regularly. If you have any concerns or questions then please get in touch through our contact page.


We have key policies in place covering data protection, safeguarding and athlete/parent/coach codes of conduct.


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