Charnwood AC is lucky to be able to use the excellent facilities that Loughborough University have, however this is not unlimited! Charnwood athletes who wish to use the indoor HIPAC must pay the club as normal, either at the clubhouse entrance or at the HIPAC. Subject to the HIPAC terms and conditions of use, the club books some of the HIPAC facilities for club use on club nights during the Winter.
Please make sure that you keep your use of the facilities to the agreed areas and times so that we can continue to enjoy good relations with the University, on who we rely heavily for all our facilities.
During the Summer (mid-March to November) Charnwood AC does not book the HIPAC for use by Charnwood AC athletes, the outdoor track and field areas are available for use on a club night.
There may be some exceptions where groups may train in the HIPAC, but please check this with your coach. Training fees still apply.